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Science Fun!

Week 9: June 1st-5th

Les 5 sens!!

At home challenge: Can you think of things you use your 5 "sens" for. You can draw a picture for each "sens" and try and label it with the word by sounding it out! :) :) :) 

Week 8: May 25-29


Draw a picture of the planets and send them to us!! (

Week 7: May 19-22

Science with Ms. Paula

Activity: Colour mixing demonstration (chemical reactions) 

Week 6: May 11-15

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Task for the week: Get outside and go for a walk with your family! What different animals did you see, did you see different types of trees? 

Week 4: April 27- May 8

Tornade dans un contenant! 

How to make a tornado in a jar


  • Round Jar

  • Water

  • Dish Soap 

  • Food colouring

  • Vinegar (optional) 


1. Fill the jarwith water leaving about 1" space at the top. 

2. Add a generous squirt of dish soap (approx. 1 teaspoon) and one or two drops of food colouring. 

3. Screw the lid back on securely and swirl it around to mix it.

4. If you're having trouble with too many bubbles, try adding 1 teaspoon of vinegar and using a spoon to scoop out the bubbles on the top. 


Week 3 - April 20th-24th

Jour de la Terre/Earth Day


Click on the planet earth to play a recycling game! 

00:00 / 00:05

Home Challenges:

Draw a picture of how you can help save the planet! Feel free to take a picture or video to send us! 

Help your parents/guardians to make sure that the recycling is properly sorted and washed.


With the help of an adult and wearing gloves walk around your community and pick up any trash that you may see. 

Week 2 - April 14th-17th

Les ètres vivants


Click here for print out of lesson

Flotte ou coule? (Sink or Float?) 

This sink or float experiment is a simple physics experiment that will encourage your child to make predictions and observations about buoyancy and density. Through their observations, they’ll learn that buoyant objects float and dense objects sink, and if they want to be true little scientists, they can even record their predictions.

La demarche scientifique (The scientific method) 


Quels objets flottent ou coulent? 

(Which objects float or sink?)


Je pense que (name of object) coule (ou flotte) parce ce que.....

(I think that the (name of object) sinks (or floats) because....

Materiaux (Materials) : 
- Objets de la maison qui peuvent être mouillés. (Objects from around the house that can get wet)
- Un récipient pouvant contenir de l'eau (évier, baignoire, aquarium, bol, récipient de tupperware etc ...)
(A container that can hold water (sink, bathtub, aquarium, bowl, tupperware container) 
- morceau de papier et crayons pour enregistrer les observations
1. Choisissez un objet à la fois et faites une prédiction sur votre feuille si vous pensez qu'il va couler ou flotter
(Choose an object and make a prediction on whether you think it will sink or float)
2. Mettez l'objet dans l'eau
(Put the object into the water) 
3. Dessinez votre observation sur votre feuille d'observation
(Draw your observations onto your recording sheet) 

Click here for print out of observation sheet

Sink or float.jpg

Dessinez ou écrivez vos observations

(Draw or write your observations and results)

Qu'avez-vous appris sur les choses qui coulent ou flottent? Pensez à la taille, au poids, aux matériaux et à la structure de l'objet. 
(What did you learn about things that sink or float? Think about size, weight, materials and structure of the object. ) 

Watch this video


Science Experiment

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